
First Hsinchu Trip


The camp was fun but so exhausting. We were working 4 days straight. After the camp, me, Tomas, Alex, and Rin (new Korean girl) decided to head to town (to finally see civilization :p). The problem was it’s already 5pm, which means there is NO MORE BUS heading for the Zhudong. We almost gave up. But in the end we decided to try to hitchhike. And… it worked!

Hitch Hiking!


Hsinchu City

I never thought I would be so glad to see cars and crowded streets in Hsinchu. I guess that’s what you would feel if you got stuck in a farm for few weeks. The city was clean and we walked on the streets lighted by perfect sunlight.

Hsinchu City Pavements

We walked quite far from the bus stop (only because it was the wrong stop, and Tomas kept complaining along the way :D) to A-Mart. There was a bit of a problem with the trainee house key, and we decided to go to the night market and buy some food. Immediately after it was solved we decided to head to ‘AIESEC Hsinchu Trainee House’ to spend the night.

NCTU Trainee House Entrance Door

We had a fun night, we got to know each other better. The day after, Rin & Alex decided to go to Taipei (worst decision ever! Will be explained later), and me & Tomas wanted to walk around Hsinchu. Luckily, Yin Teng decided to come with us and became our personal tour guide! Translating Chinese would be easy. We walked to some interesting places in Hsinchu. But basically, we took our time and enjoyed the city.

Street of Hsinchu

Hsinchu temple
At 1pm we decided to look for lunch. Tomas had been eating rice for a week, he got sick of it and insisted to look for european-friendly food. We looked around for an hour trying to find something, and finally decided to buy Burger. The funny thing is: it’s A RICE BURGER! HAHA. Welcome to Asia man.

Girls on Bus
We head back to farm at 3, because we need to be there before 5 to meet the rest of Biking Project trainees. We were even asked for photograph on the bus by 2 girls, like freakin celebrities (actually it was only Tomas, as a rare european creature in Asia).

All in all, it was a great day. We finally got time to relax, enjoy the day, and refresh our mind by the city lights and car fumes. I realize life is all about balance, we should live between concrete and nature, not just one instead of another. We travelled smoothly to the farm, and we finally met the rest of the biking project guys. I didn't realize that i was about to meet really great friends in Taiwan.

Follow my instagram for more pictures of my journey in Taiwan.

Note: Pictures taken with my phone camera, Google Nexus 4, Tomas' Camera, & others


Smallest in the group (except Rin of course)
Inside Trainee House
Tourist Own The Street
Took the seller's seat. And she just sat beside the road :D
Yin Teng said it only says "Be Happy", so we did!
Random Taiwan Kids. We assumed they were just praying.
Totally nailing the budha pose
Hsinchu Gate
Park beside city center

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